Création de Société – Immatriculation bateau et voiture
Centurion Premium

Legal notice

Identification Information

The website accessible at is published by the company C.P.A. Group s.r.o., where C.P.A. stands for Centurion Premium Association Group.

C.P.A. Group s.r.o.
Registered under number: 50683730
Share capital: 100,000 EUR
VAT number: SK2120460452
Registered office: Žilinská 7028/1, 811 05 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA, EU

The domain names and are the exclusive property of C.P.A. Group s.r.o.


General Terms of Use of the Website

The general terms and legal information may be subject to modifications as part of updates related to new legislation. Any user of the website will be considered to have accepted all our terms. We invite you to consult our General Terms of Sale before using the website.

Jurisdiction of Courts

Since this website is administered from Slovak territory, only Slovak courts will have jurisdiction. In the event of legal action in France, only Slovak law will be recognized.

Intellectual Property

This website and all its content, including texts and visuals, are subject to intellectual property protection. Any use of the images, logos, or technologies on the website without the express and written permission of C.P.A. Group s.r.o. constitutes a violation of intellectual property laws. Any blatant failure to comply with these rules subjects the offender to criminal and civil prosecution as provided by law.


As part of its activities, this website may use hyperlinks pointing to external websites over which C.P.A. Group s.r.o. has no control. The information contained on these websites is not the responsibility of C.P.A. Group s.r.o.

Products and Services

The products and services offered on this website may evolve and change at any time. They are displayed for informational purposes only.

Availability and Restrictions

C.P.A. Group s.r.o. strives to keep the website operational 24/7 as far as possible, except in the case of security measures, force majeure, or scheduled maintenance. C.P.A. Group s.r.o. shall not be held responsible for the unavailability of the website and its services.

The use of screenshot tools for the images and texts on this website must be formally authorized by C.P.A. Group s.r.o. Any use aimed at promoting our services via hidden servers or clone sites intended to divert our customers will be subject to legal action. The use of scanning or information collection tools on this website is strictly prohibited.

The collection of information or the printing of copies of this website is permitted only for personal use. This right of use in no way constitutes a transfer of ownership rights. Copyright notices, logos, and contact details must not be removed.


The information contained on this website has been prepared with the utmost care to minimize the risk of errors. However, C.P.A. Group s.r.o. shall not be held liable in the event of a misinterpretation of information by the user, leading to financial or material losses related to the use of this website.

Personal Data Protection – Privacy Statement (EU)

The information and personal data we collect are handled with the utmost care in terms of confidentiality and protection. For more information, please consult our privacy policy by clicking here.


In the interest of transparency, we inform you that our website uses protocols, commonly known as "cookies," which may be installed on your web browser to anonymously conduct studies on the traffic to our pages.

What is a cookie?

A cookie, or tracker, is an HTTP communication protocol sent as a small file to your web browser, allowing the visited site to remember you on a subsequent visit.

As a user of the European Union, you have the option to request access to, modify, or delete your personal data, including data sent via cookies.

Cookie Types on the Website

C.P.A. Group s.r.o. uses so-called "nominative" or "functional" cookies on this website. These cookies save you from having to re-enter your data on our contact or payment forms. They are essential for the proper functioning of our systems.

Third-party cookies, listed below, may also be present on this website and originate from our service providers. Cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site do not require the user's consent. For others, you have the option to accept or refuse their installation.

Cookies Exempt from Consent

– Google Analytics: These cookies help us collect information about the pages visited by users. This data is crucial as it allows us to improve our services and the tools on our website.

Cookies Requiring Consent or Refusal

– Google Ads: This cookie allows us to analyze the performance of our communication campaigns via our provider Google, in the context of sponsored or commercial links. It also helps us better understand the profile of users of our services (age, gender, geographic location). Its retention period is 13 months.

To better understand the cookie policy, we invite you to consult the "Cookies" section of the CNIL via this link.



Bratislava - SLOVAQUIE
Aupark Tower, Einsteinova 3541/24

Londres - Royaume-Uni
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden,

Genève - SUISSE
La Voie-Creuse 3B, 1202 Genève, Switzerland

+421 918 039 138 contacter-centurion-slovaquie

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